refugium in progress.


New member
i have the baffles glued in. is a filter sock recommended? are there any diy threads available? also, i built the typical 3 compartment refuge with the 3 piece baffle leading to the third chamber. was considering rock in the first chamber. sand and chaeto in the second and skimmer with the return pump in the third.

should my overflow extent to the bottom of the chamber or mid level?

I would suggest no sand in the refugium, as it will collect waste over time and is not required for a sucessful refugium, and if you place rock in the first chamber, while I do consider it a good idea, keep in mind that you'll just undermine the whole idea of using a filter sock, as the filter sock will catch detritus from the tank, while the rocks will just shed it into the sump anyway. That's fine as long as you're willing to siphon the detritus.

As far as the overflow in the chamber, you mean the overflows in the back of the tank, how high should the overflow pipes go, or do you mean the drains that pour into the sump, how deep into the first chamber should they go?
I have spoken to several people about this and all have gotten rid of their socks in favor of pads. Apparently the socks are high maintenance (require almost daily cleaning) or they turn into nitrate producers. Another thought is that by putting the skimmer last in the process, you may be removing a good portion of the benefits from the chaeto, rock and/or mud. I am looking at setting up a system that either goes filter/skimmer/refugium/bubble trap/pump or a parallel system (refugium and frag tank in parallel with the Fuge dumping into the frag area).
the drains that pour into the sump yes how deep should i make it go? and im sure the answer depends on if i want a filter sock or not. well i like the pads idea. i just cant come up with an idea the hold the pads above the water?
ok with some adjustments i managed to arrange my skimmer into the first chamber and with some silicone and eggcrate i will be able to make a stage for the filter pad.
Skim first or at least first after the sock (or filter pad). This will lighten the load the fuge has to deal with. The phosban reactor needs clean water or it'll clog up. It will anyway, but you want to delay the process. Put a mechanical filter in the line before the reactor, because cleaning out the reactor is a PITA. I made an inline filter out of PVC connectors and stuffed it with filter pad material.
Isn't one of the purposes of a fuge to produce pods ? If you use a filter sock aren't you defeating that purpose by trapping all the pods in the sock ? I've seen them used on several fuges in these threads and always wondered that.
I think keep it all natural. No sand is needed. Filter sock is a waste collector. Skimmer is needed but where in the chain I dont know. I also think the more live rock involved the better.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11689080#post11689080 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by firethefish
Isn't one of the purposes of a fuge to produce pods ? If you use a filter sock aren't you defeating that purpose by trapping all the pods in the sock ? I've seen them used on several fuges in these threads and always wondered that.

Yes it does trap some copopods--but most go through a 100 micron filter sock.
What I do is run the sock for three days and then leave it off for four days. A skimmer is really the only mechanical filtration you need.
When I use a turkey baster on the live rock and substrate once a week I make sure I am running it
im interested in some opinions as to how i should arrange my refuge ls, lr, chaeto. a previous post somebody suggested sand in a refuge caused a collection of detritus and live rock would shed . so whats best a bare refuge w/chaeto?
Re: refugium in progress.

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11683742#post11683742 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by brians4671
i have the baffles glued in. is a filter sock recommended? are there any diy threads available? also, i built the typical 3 compartment refuge with the 3 piece baffle leading to the third chamber. was considering rock in the first chamber. sand and chaeto in the second and skimmer with the return pump in the third.

should my overflow extent to the bottom of the chamber or mid level?


since you asked I'll post again--LOL--alot of the guys are going not again:eek2:





