
richard snyder

New member
Has anyone out there kept a remora?
I recently put a 30" white spotted bamboo shark in one of my clients tanks.Tank measures 144"x36"x36"
Just recently I came across a small remora at myLFS
I've always seen them quite large
I put it in the tank thinking it would immediately go to the shark
It attached itself to the 12" absolutely beautiful durgeon trigger
The next day I got a call from my client telling me the durgeon that we had for over a year was on the floor dead
The remora next tried to attach to the 10" queen angel
The lifesaver was the small cleaner wrasse that was in the tank for 2 years
finally after trying to catch the miserable remora it attached to the shark
Anyone else out there keeping a remora?
extremely messy and they grow really fast. they are nothing but scavengers and provide no benefit to their 'host' critters. almost every one I have seen has been a return to a pet store (when i used to be interested and would ask about them). caveat is that no i have never kept one personally.
I heard that they are a pest to the host and they are not good to keep with a shark in a tank because the shark cannot get away from the remora.
Evolust is correct. Even in a tank the size that you described an animal will not likely be able to get away from the remora and may suffer a stress related illness or injury in the process.