Removing aiptasia


Premium Member
I'm going through quite the aiptasia infestation in my tank right now and I'm having trouble keeping it off my clams shells. I see them on the shells in the tank, I take the clam out and *shazam* not an aiptasia to be seen! I hold the clam upside down over a bucket of fresh water and scrub like mad with a toothbrush using lots of fresh water but a little while after I put the clam back in the tank I see that I didn't get them all.

Is there a better way?
I've had good luck smothering the little buggers in super glue gel. Doesn't harm the clam, and sets up quickly when placed under water. You just have to carefully note the aiptasia's location within the scutes.
Thanks ReefBum. Another thing to try. I've recently added a copperband butterfly to deal with the infestation but I don't want to leave any aiptasia on the clams shells - that might be just tempting fate too much!

I used to zap aiptasia with very thick kalkwasser paste but a while ago I must have somehow managed to get a blob or two on my biggest clam as he had two small holes in his mantle. The holes have healed up nicely and very quickly but I won't be using this method again.

I picked up some super glue gel this evening and will try it tomorrow. I think I'll try the ESV #2 stuff on the aiptasias that are threatening corals. I'll certainly be glad to see the end of these pests - by far the worst thing I've had in my tank so far!
It never ceases to amaze me as to how tough these little
B#$@%&ds are. I recently bought a Copperband that unfortunately never started to eat in captivity & died in my Q-Tank. A couple of days before it died I pulled a piece of live rock from my tank that was covered in Aiptasia in the hope that it would eat that at least, but it did not. I shut down my Q tank (no heating or circulation) and have not had a chance to emplty it and now 3 1/2 weeks late in an unlit, unfed, cold (15 degrees Celsius), stagnant box of water I still have a rock covered with Aiptasia that look as happy as ever :mad: :confused:

FWIW I know someone here has had success with high concentration HCl (not something that I would try on your clams however :eek2: ).

How do I get rid of this one?

How do I get rid of this one?

There is one little aiptasia sticking out of my blue maxima clam. Right at the "V" where the shell comes together. Can't kalk paste it. Can't grab it either. It must of hitch hiked in on the clam. Any suggestions? Should I just leave it alone until it gets bigger?
I hear that aiptasias can only kill the clam over an extended period of time. so i would maybe wait until it gets bigger. you know how they grow.
I've noticed with mine that it's only the aiptasia that are very close to the mantle that seem to bother the clam at all. I had one a while ago that was on the very top edge of the shell and the clam couldn't spread open its mantle. It's not really hard to see when they are bothering the clam but it's definitely a good idea to remove them as soon as possible.
Hey, peppermint shrimps will do the trick! I don't see any aiptasia in my 37 gallon tank since I got 3 peppermint shrimps about 4 weeks ago :D
Helping Out

Helping Out

Peppermint shrimp do work but not on the monster aptasia you can also use a needle and white vinager. Just a little will do the trick:D But it is time consuming
hwsva said:
Hey, peppermint shrimps will do the trick! I don't see any aiptasia in my 37 gallon tank since I got 3 peppermint shrimps about 4 weeks ago :D

they can be hit and miss, but my pepps knock the shiz out of any aiptasia I had.
Can't agree more about the peppermint shrimps, so long as you act promptly once you spot enemy.

My usual course of action had been to move the afflicted peice of live rock into my unlit sump and leave it there indefinately with the UV steriliser running. I've never had a problem doing this and I've managed to keep the buggers out of my main tank.

A few weeks ago a noticed one which I think had hitched in with a xenia colony, which meaint I obviously couldn't perform my normal trick, so we went out to get some peppermint shrimps.

I had to weigh it up a bit, as I have a dwarf fuzzy lion and I didn't want them to become an expensive snack so I got two of the biggest shrimps I could get since the lion is only 1.5". The lion is due to move to another tank within the next couple of weeks so it's no biggy as far as the future is concerned.

The aiptasia lasted no more than 24 hours. Without a doubt a tactial nuke in the aiptasia war.
