New member
i bought my bubble tip anemone when it was about 3 inches acoss, fully expanded, but now it is about 10 inches across. it resides in a small whole at the very bottom of my rockwork. i have a crocea clam and an acro on a shelf at the top. the anemone's base now streches about 8 inches up and the tentacles completely cover the clam, and brush up against the acro, killing some of the tissue. it also has killed off a section of a turbinaria sitting to its left. there is no way to move the clam as it is attached strongly, and the acro is glued down, though that would be easy to move. Does anyone know how i could remove the anemone without injuring it or removing the rock, i have heard of pointing a powerhead at the base where its attached, though not of how succesful this is. I will post a pic of it when i get the chance.