removing anemone?


New member
i bought my bubble tip anemone when it was about 3 inches acoss, fully expanded, but now it is about 10 inches across. it resides in a small whole at the very bottom of my rockwork. i have a crocea clam and an acro on a shelf at the top. the anemone's base now streches about 8 inches up and the tentacles completely cover the clam, and brush up against the acro, killing some of the tissue. it also has killed off a section of a turbinaria sitting to its left. there is no way to move the clam as it is attached strongly, and the acro is glued down, though that would be easy to move. Does anyone know how i could remove the anemone without injuring it or removing the rock, i have heard of pointing a powerhead at the base where its attached, though not of how succesful this is. I will post a pic of it when i get the chance.


thnx. i might try that,

heres a pic of the anemone.

the foot,

the bothered clam, uncovered.


your comments are appreciated,
There's a load of threads about this topic, I'm sure you could find them. Ice Cubes are suppose to work, but might be a bit of a shock!
If you can get your finger to its foot then you can very carefully get your finger up under it. Just take your time.
If it doesn't want to budge don't force it. A torn foot is never a good thing.

You can try pointing a powerhead at it too, to make it move to a new location.

It's all part of having an anemone, that it can sting/kill corals if it wants to move.
I forgot to ask if you just plan on moving it in the tank or do you plan on taking it out of the tank? If you just move it to a different location in the tank then you still may have problems with it moving around.
I might have misunderstood too. Sorry if that is the case Sean.

If you want it out of the tank, why not remove the rock, chip under the anemone (don't hit it's flesh) to remove it?
yup, i was planning on taking it out completely, it would be a nice size but it streches so far up that it bothers everything, the spot where it is is the only real good spot for it, because of where everything else is place, and the current. i have no way to remove the rock as it it at the base of my rockwork and only want to do that if i REALLY have to. The foot is tucked under the rock thought too so it is hard to acess. I want to have a good idea of what i am doing before i actually try. thnx. for the help everyone.

I had the same problem once.
the ice kind of worked but not right away,
its all about catching them while they are moving.
and the above mentioned tricks may make them move
he is there because he likes it there so try to change some of the conditions like amount of light or water flow, then he will move to a new location and that is when you can get it .
I recently had to do this. Remove all the rock surrounding the anemone, then SLOWLY pry the anemone's foot off (ice cubes or fingernail). But you will have a heck of a time doing it with the rock there. Just take your time and be patient. It took me over an hour to remove mine.
I've used my hand to massage/tickle the foot. The anemone will slowly let go and then you can move it. It took 15 minutes or so when I had to do it.
Can you change the lighting somehow? Like if you have 2 MH lights (I don't know what your lighting is, so I'm guessing), turn one of them off for a day or two. Also directing a powerhead at the foot (not right on top of the bta, give it a bit of distance so it doesn't completely retract into its hole) should help. I know lighting changes tend to trigger my rbta's to go on walkabout in the tank, as does a change in the water flow. I wouldn't try chipping the rock--tried that once and the crack in the rock went the wrong way, ripping the rbta's foot. It recovered, luckily.

Once the anemone starts to wander, very slowly get a finger under its foot and gently work it off of the rock. Good luck and go slow!
I have successfully use a piece of air line tubing and a air pump. The bubbles help release the grip of the anemone's foot.:rollface: