Removing sandbed


Active member

I want to remove my sanded, it's on about an inch deep, should I do this in stages or can I remove in one go?

Also I have a Argus wrasse will that be ok without a sandbed?

That wrasse typically wants a sandbed..
Where does yours "sleep"?

Always best to remove a sand bed in stages
You can place a small tupperware container with 1-2 inches sand for the wrasse behind your rockwork.
You can place a small tupperware container with 1-2 inches sand for the wrasse behind your rockwork.

I tried the bowl of sand for my wrasse all he did was knock all the sand back into the tank. My bare bottom started to fill back up with sand.
Mine did ok with it. Though the tray was 12" long. They all have their own personalities:)
I just removed a 10+ year old sand.
I drained all the water and used a wet dry vacuum to remove it. Make sure there's none left because you'll have sulfur residue.
Then add your sand I'm assuming you are using live sand. Then slowly add your water place a container so the water doesn't stir the sand. I did this a couple of weeks ago and everything is doing great.

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