Removing Shroom from rock


New member
I have about 6 Green Hairy Mushrooms. Four of them are about 3 inches in diameter *they are wider them my clowns). The other two are about 2 inches. I only have a 10 gallon tank and they have taken over the whole rock they are on (the biggest rock in the tank). Now I got them off my friend out of his 220 gallon and they in no way looked this big in his tank. I have had them for about a week and a half. They have not grown but from a tank that has about 100 lbs of rock in it to a tank that has 20 lbs of rock it they look HUGE!. They are doing great and open huge everyday. Now my question??????? How can I remove like 3 of them just to make more room in my tank. This way I can just trade them for something else. Thanks....
I've got a similar issue - huge hairy shrooms covering large rocks. I used to try to peel them off, but there's no chance once they are large. Cutting rock is an option. Trying to frag them may also be an option.
Some chisel or screwdriver hammering action should do the trick. Depending on the type of rock they're on, it could be super easy to somewhat of a pain.
If you're looking to open up some space I think fragging is your best bet. Can you get to the stalk underneath the head? If so, just use some sharp scissors and cut off the head. The previous post for fragging is what I used when I cut mine up. Only difference is that I placed each head of mine into shot glasses (clear shot glasses) with a small piece of rubble. Gave it a week and they attached. The stalks will regrow heads eventually.