Replace my CSS 65 Skimmer with what?


My Coralife 65 skimmer has been great, I've been happy with it but it continues to overflow. I have spoken with them and they say it can only be a few things which I have addressed. My sump level never changes more than 1/2" because of autotopoff.

I would like to replace it with a quality skimmer that doesn't need to be fiddled with everyday. Set and forget is much more important than maximizing every ounce of performance. It has to be out of the sump, not in. I have 21 1/2" inches of height, footprint can be about 6" X 6".

What do you suggest?
I dont know what size tank you have. That being said I would use asm or a euro reef insump skimmer to save on space and you cant go wrong with either.
If you've got the budget, it looks like you've got room for a nice EuroReef RC external skimmer. They're awesome and will definitely outperform your current skimmer without any doubt in the southern-most regions of hell, but again, it's if you've got the budget for it.
Bermuda skimmers are getting really nice reviews. Eco Reef in Pompano is a distributor for them and runs most of their store displays on them. 10% discount with FMAS membership. They can be run external or internal. I just picked one up but haven't hooked up my system yet.
I'm a newbie, but a search on RC may give you some confidence...
Thanks for the input, tank is only 50g, so don't need anything big. I can't have an in sump model without completely redoing everything and making a new sump, and if I do that , I'll end up with a 200g in it's place.:lol:
If you want performance and concerned with space a great in sump skimmer would be a tunze doc protein skimmer. They do great jobs and definitely consume small space...I personally have a css 65 on my 20 mixed reef but I have yet to deal with an overflow issue after almost having it 1 year in use....

I do however clean the pump once a month and I drilled out the venturi and have to keep cleaning it out every month as well due to salt creep diminishing its performance.
