Replacing my Poseidon PS4 return pump

I haven't posted in a very long while, but my 180 gallon brackish tank has been running steady using the PS4 as the main return from my sump


It has been running silently and Faithfully for 15 years. It has shown diminished flow over time, and in the last year or so it has really gotten bad, and intermittently , sometimes including a complete loss of flow.

Turning it off and on would always get it going again, but it is unsettling to find your tank entirely without flow, and obviously for some time. I knew I needed to fix the problem

I was very disappointed to see that the PS4 has long since been discontinued, but found that it is a rebranded Laing pump. I could find no exact equivalent, but the E10 is awfully close.



It has a motor that is not as long, but the housing looks identical to the poseidon.

I was pleased to find that I could swap out the old housing that my Plumbing is attached to onto the new pump.


I wasn't sure what I was going to find in the guts of the old pump that would have resulted in such poor performance. I was pretty certain it was going to be related to wear and tear from 15 years of continuous use.

I was surprised to find that the impeller is a closed model like this


My tank is pleasantly overrun with Malaysian trumpet snails, and despite gutter guard around the intake Plumbing in the sump, there is no place in the tank that safe from them, and the slots of the impeller were crammed full of shells.

My best bet is that, following removal of the shells, I could have just reinstalled the old pump. But instead, I went with the new pump (new impeller/motor on the old housing ) because it has an open impeller like this, and I am fairly certain this design is MTS proof


I have kept the old motor/impeller and the new housing as a spare, and the new pump has been running for about 24 hours.

It is more efficient according to the ratings as shown above, and while it may not move as much water as the Poseidon would when new, or even now, since I have removed all the MTS shells, it is moving far more than I have seen in years and I am content

And it is just as quiet as the Poseidon was. I am very pleased. Like the poseidon, it was made in Hungary

I also tried just swapping out the new impeller into the old motor and it wouldn't run.

In retrospect, I initially had the same problem after putting both the new impeller and new motor into the housing. It took Several minutes and a little shaking to move out the air before it would start pumping.

I suspect that if the new motor ever goes out, I could in fact use the old motor with the new impeller. The interface between the impellers and the motors appeared identical
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