request list ?


New member
hey mark ,my choati leopard wrasses are doing great ! jusy wanted to thank you guys ,and see if you ever have the avialability on a couple of fish .wrasses of course,blue tail wrasse-Anampses Femininus <> or blue spotted leopard wrasse-Macropharyngodon Cyanoguttatus ? they are the next on my wish list and have been very difficult to find so lets see how your resourses are . not really expecting much success but we can always check ,right ? again thanks for the awesome specimines and i hope to do business with ya all soon !you can email me if need be or call, its in your files >>>------->
Thanks Dave
Lol. Ok we will do what we can. I think the last time we had that particular Anampses wrasse we sold it for around $300.00 or so. I have only seen a couple in the last year. Definitely a cool fish though.

I know the guy bringing in fish from Mauritius so I will ask about the leopard wrasse for you. I know there have been a few in the country this past year but not many.

We will be in touch.