Hmm, they're close to the pic I really liked on Google. Am I ok posting it, I'd would that be considered trying to id?
thanks for your advices and help guys!
noobs need people like you to continue what you are doing so noobs like me wont be taken to the cleaners!!
PLS, CONTINUE what you do, i know i'm not the only one who appreciates it!
Btw- if you look at various forums you have known polyps, slightly morphed ones being passed of as new, renamed or my favorite " NEWLY DISCOVERED " polyp on a daily basis. with a price tag of 50-150 a polyp... you just have to know what your looking at, compare it to known pieces, check places like CoralVault and CoralPedia ID's for already known or like polyps. ALso check other vendors to see if its already been in circulation for some time but hasn't been named nor pimped out on forums yet.
Where do they even get these names? What do those have to do with Dragon Ball Z? Maybe if they had super long super yellow skirts and a few stars in the center.