requesting pics/diagrams or your double/connected sumps.

I have a double sump set up, they are connected simply with a 1.5" PVC pipe to a BH fitting in each sump...with a shut off valve and union in the middle of the pipe if I ever need to seperate them.
+1 with the connections, but I like the idea of a shut off valve and union in the middle. Why didn't we think of that??? :lol:
I have 2 sumps under my 120G reef also... one is a fuge and the other is the sump. I used 2 rigid rubbermaid (opaque) 15g (maybe they are 20g) tubs for both (super cheap and have worked great for me going on 7 years). I have dual overflows off my tank... so the overflow on the left side of the tank drains to the fuge, which then drains via 2 x 2" bulkheads with pvc fittings over to the sump where the return pump sits.

I only did it this way because I added a fuge AFTER I already had a working sump in place. If I had it to do all over again I would just have 1 large sump with baffles/dividers with the fuge integrated in... I like having the leak possible number of leak-points possible.