Restarting my 375 reef tank


New member
I am ready to re-do my 375 reef tank that has been down for 3 1/2 years. I sold off most of my equipment, BK skimmer, MH lighting, pumps and would appreciate some insights from the group on current equipment choices. The tank is 96x30x30, I have a 150g sump and refuge. I plan on keeping mostly soft and LPS corals to start. Much has changed in this hobby since I have been gone! I want a tank that is as silent as one can get, thinking of the new DC Ecotech Vectra L1's (2) for return pumps, trying to decide between biting the bullet on another BK Supermarin 250 or another good quality skimmer, any insights on SRO 5000? Definitely want to go LEDS, the previous 3unit 250w MHs created way too much heat to deal with, have been researching Ecotech Radions and AI 52s. Anyone have experiences with these two or can recommend quality alternatives?
Thanks for the help!
Hows it going, I am running 3 ais over my tank they are pricey but the investment is well worth it the controllability of these light on the ai system is amazing the modes like lunar and acclimation mode also work very well they are defiantly worth the investment!!!!
Go with a t5 led combo if you can ....radions and ati t5s here .....also on the skimmer note get the best you can afford and dont skimp on that area...get the bubble king and dont look back the first and last skimmer you will ever buy ...Im running the sm 300 on my system .....I just started switching out my reflo return pumps for the red dragon dc 230s but the echotech would be my next choice if they moved more volume


Let me know if you need some help or want to stop by in sunrise
Thanks for the comebacks! Much appreciated!
Mrx, I like your thinking on the skimmer. If I cheap out now, I'll regret it forever! BK it is! Really like your t-5s with the LEDS, nice clean set up. I was keeping the t5 addition for a down the road addition if the LEDS didn't produce on the 30" deep tank. The new Ecotech L! pump is rated at 3,100 gph, I'm going with two, only 4ft of head pressure... do you not think that is enough?
Nothing I can do to help as far as advice because Im still a rookie in this hobby but i do say go for the Radions as lights so far from what i seen and heard around its the best you can get. Keep us updated on how things come along this should be interesting.
The 2 echotech should be fine I was running 2 reeflo super dart golds 4300 each ....and as stated am in the process of swaping them out with the Red Dragon DC setup is 36 deep and the radions will be just fine on your 30.....I just like the best of both worlds with the led t5 combo
Thanks all for the input! Ordered the BK 250 supermarin, Ecotech Vectra L1s (2) and three of the new AI Hydra 52Ds. Waiting for tank to come back next week from being resealed. Will be looking for a carpenter to do the skin and hood next. any references on an excellent carpenter experienced in building stands and hoods would be appreciated!
Go with an aluminum stand and skin it. ...will shoot you the welders number if you need it....local and does very nice work.....
Have the new stand built and powder coated already. Looks nice, but not exactly to the dimensions requested. Would not recommend that builder...
Would like to post pics, where could I learn how to do it?