Restarting Tank

Couple pictures of the progress...


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The best 12bucks I have spent so far.. :) They help keep the wires from becoming a rats nest. :)


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Now that the tank has settled...I have added some of the rock back into the tank after sun bleaching them.


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Now that the tank has settled...I have added some of the rock back into the tank after sun bleaching them.
I could be wrong...but...I think you still need to 'clean the rock (soaking in RO water), after 'sun bleaching'. There could still be a lot of 'dried' organics on the rock, and IMO, not clean enough to add to the tank.
Nice progress and good luck, I saw you former tank pics, and could see that the cyano was on the back, for future reference as probably with new established tanks Cyano can come up again, try increasing flow on dead spots as this will remove it without a problem, on my tank I was having the same issue and just added a couple of MP40's and sand is beginning to get cleaned out.

Good luck.
albano, yeah I power washed and scrubbed the rocks then let it sit outside for a week in six hours of 90+ degrees sun :) just to make sure that everything was very clean and dried out.
Nice progress and good luck, I saw you former tank pics, and could see that the cyano was on the back, for future reference as probably with new established tanks Cyano can come up again, try increasing flow on dead spots as this will remove it without a problem, on my tank I was having the same issue and just added a couple of MP40's and sand is beginning to get cleaned out.

Good luck.

jpsika, yeah I have another MP40 on the holding tank that will be added to this tank once I move the specimens back. It has been something I was thinking about for a while, so I finally pulled the trigger and moved my count up to three ecotechs. I also plumbed in a second ehiem 1262 which then led me to modifying my drain.


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New bulbs came in today from ReefGeek 7 * ATI Blue Plus and 3 * Aquablue Specials, I find that this combination gives me a 18000K look not to blue and not to washed out. Forgive the quality as I have been to lazy to pull out my digital camera..


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Yahoooo, the tank cycled and critters are in the tank. Will post pictures later, and I lost a lot of fish which suck, but the tank is back.