Reticulate Hookjaw Moray Eel

Just saw it and I am IN LOVE. It's too bad it looks like it would slice and dice all of my fish :'(.
I saw it but in my opinion the Berndt for the same money was way cooler. I don't think this one will go as quickly.
Cool eel, but looks like it would love to sink those teeth into some fleshy fish meat. Reminds me of the fimbriated, in a way.
That mouth definitely suggests that this eel is a big time fish eater.

Super cool eel though. What is it with Divers Den and getting all of these cool eels all of a sudden?
i was watching on tv tonight some eel (forget) beating up and eating an octopus. one tentacle at a time.

Surprised me..
i have a true viper morey that is 22" and healthy as a horse if your interested PM me .also have yellow heads and a green and an unidentified that looks alot like that one but he is a bit thicker ,all have massive teeth if that what your looking for.
iamwrasseman, where did you pick up the viper moray? I've been looking for one of those or similar eels for a while now. I'm halfway considering selling a kidney for the lichenosa. Also, do you have pics of the unidentified eel?
if you check tommorow night i will attempt to get pics on ,all other attempts have failed they say my inage takes up to much space! i had been looking for the viper for years and one day i found him in a LFS never ever have i even seen one ,now i have one .i can try to post pics wed night ,one of my buddies was gonna help me downsize them .i do have them on another site and i will see if i can find them on that sight and will link you to it asap wed .
Thank you very much. I've been trying to get a few LFS near me to get in any strange unidentified eels or interesting eels they see for a while. So far my friend and I have been lucky enough to get a Brasilian Dragon, White Mouth, and an Yellowtail all for $150.00. Not bad, but what I really want is an Enchelycore or Enchelynassa.
i have an Enchelycore nigricans that im trying to sell and the only way i can explain the unidentified is that he looks almost like a kidako but the jaw isn't hooked as much as most Enchelycores. i will try to get some pic tommorow as i said earlier
they are cool but i suck with this computer and cant get them from my photobucket to RC what to do? i am trying , a friend was going to help me tonite but we have a blizzard outside and he hasnt shown up yet . i hope he gets here the heck with the snow~!
They're on PB? Just copy the
Well right click select copy on the IMG code, then right click select paste in the text box here, yes :D. Two pages or two tabs, either works.
i have been doing that for about thirty five minutes and i can get the img # link whatever onto the browse box but when i hit submitt the darn thing does absolutly nothing ,just sits there and doesnt load . i gave it ten minutes to load one time with no success also used url code, img link code , and all five of them that are displayed under the picture that i wanted to download . wow how P Oed can ya get when you just dont know how to do something so simple ? well i will tell you BP 150 over 95 lol . i really am trying hard and trying to keep rational when im doing this but man o man what a (^%(*^&(*&^ !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You can email the pics to one of these guys and I am sure they can post them up. I would do it but I am challenged like you!