Return pump upgrade. Need help deciding


New member
Hi ive decided to upgrade my current return pump. I have a RedSea reefer 525xl. Currently using lifeguard aquatics pump that came with the tank. I cant decide if I should go with the Ecotech Vectra or the Reef Octopus Varios. Any suggestions or opinions on these pumps would be muvh appreciated. Thanks
i got ecotech since 2015 no problems mostly, back then it was l1 and it failed internally and it was a known issue to echotech, so even my pump was out of warranty they still gave me a new l2 version, i have varius s6 pump on my calcium reactor and it was making noises internally, had a hard time trying to get to costumer service with them, tried and failed attempt.
Ive had an vectra m1 for 6 years and the power supply just gave up. Got a sicce sdc 9.0 and it has a pretty loud hum. Im gonna try and change some plumbing to see if that will quiet it off.

Im going to follow this because I’m debating getting an abyzz to try and live that silent life…