returning a brown monti digi to color


New member
Yesterday I was checking out the local stores in Jackson after dropping my fiance off at the airport. One of them is under new management since the last time I was in there and they had a section in their coral tank with some sps pieces from the previous owners that were all browned out. For ten bucks I took one nice sized piece that appears to me to be a monti digitata showing good polyp extension and no apparent sickness or imperfection aside from the overall brown color. I've come across a number of accounts of people returning browned out sps back to their original color, but this usually applies to acros. I have an orange digi in my tank that is growing well and holding its bright color nicely so I think I have what it takes in my tank to bring this piece back. Anybody know the best step to convert a browned out monti digitata back to former color? Obviously, I don't know what color that would be though LOL!

Give it alot of light? Start it on my sandbed? I have some rather fresh T5 (4 of um) bulbs so I have plenty of light one way or the other.

Thanks yall!
Lot of light and sandbed I don't know about that it depends on what kind of lighting the previous place was using and where it was located at. Sometimes when it is under a lot of lighting then go to little lighting it will cause more stress to the coral. You can try using Reef Snow to help the color and help it come back on its way. Make sure it has a lot of flow as well so it is easier for it to catch food.
Alrighty, I have it about 6-7 in below the water (~12 in below 4 bulb T5 HO) near a powerhead (not in direct flow). I have some reef snow that I'll spot feed it and see what happens!