Reversing ring for macro?


New member
I have been looking at trying this with my 28-90 lens. Does it really work? Does anyone know where to get them here in the states. I have been searching e-bay and it looks like they all come from China.
Why not buy from China then? Most of the stuff comes from there anyways, lol. I've bought plenty of stuff from HK and have never had any problems.
Nothing really against ordering things from there. I just hate waiting for the long shipping times. Have you tried this? Or would it just be a waste of time on that lens?
Which 28-90 lens are you talking about? I'm not much into reverse rings for macro work but I know a ton of people reverse a 50mm F/1.8. I've never done it personally as I think the working distance is very narrow.
Reversed mounting ring certainly wouldn't be my choice when it comes to aquarium photography. It provides great magnification (for it's price) but very very poor working distance.

The 28-90 should work fine with it. The zoom will give you a range of magnification with the ring.

You can get them off Ebay for cheap and if you ship by express, you should get it in a few days. I purchase on Ebay frequently and those are often big ticket items. I am careful, but I never had an issue.
Blazer it is actually the 28-90 kit lens off of my old rebel 35mm. Which I have to say takes pretty good pics on my new XTi