Revive for pox...can I dip multiple times?


Older newbie
Is it going to help at all? I have no furan or funds to buy anything. Can I dip my guys for a second or third time a couple of days apart? TIA, Nancy:uhoh2:
Someone please chime in....or with any other advice! It's not like it's expensive but it is one of the very few coral I have!
It may help a bit, but really furan II is the only thing that will cure the zoa pox. I wish you were closer I would give you a packet or two.
I was talking to my LFS the other day and he suggested hydrogen peroxide dips. I believe I've read on here people doing them with success. I tried it once and never did it again as it's also a really hard dip on the zoas.

If you're interested, he suggest, a gallon tank saltwater with 1 liter bottle of hydrogen peroxide. Stick a large powerhead in there to stir things up. Dip the zoas for 5 mins and return to the tank.

I'll do a quick search before taking my advice. Just my .02
feixjai....I had heard that too although from hwat I read it is very harsh. At this point though, it will be a last ditch nothing to lose! Thanks for the input!
Yes, you can dip in Revive separated by a couple days between dips. I doubt it will help much, but maybe.

Furan II is what you want. It's readily available and actually works against pox.

+1 for hydrogen peroxide being a harsh dip. It's all about the concentration. I made the mistake of believing something I read on the internet and tried it at a 1:1 reefwater:hydrogen peroxide ratio. I nearly killed my zoos and they took 3 weeks to open up again. I wouldn't go more concentrated than say 4 or 5 parts reef water to 1 part hydrogen peroxide. Probably 8:1 (more reef water) would be better.
Any update on the progress?

I tried a hydrogen peroxide dip for a frag of red hornets that was taking over by zoa pox not too long ago, but unfortunately they all melted away, so I was a little weary about suggesting it.

Hope all goes well!