Rhinecanthus Cinereus

Hey Rudy, Thanks for the pic...nice fish and looks considerably smaller than those I have seen...how big is that fish?
of the 3 or 4 Cinereus that made it to north America..they all sold around $1.5-2k...but as I mentioned, now that I committed to buy one...we will see babies for $65 appearing all over, lol....

Here is mine...coming Friday...
Oh i see, this is the one from liveaquaria!
Wow.... That costed a lot ;)

Hope everything will be fine!

yes, he is a dd fish...
I think only the 2nd in the country and 4th on the continent...
I wasnt sure when I would get the chance again to have one...he is much, much larger than I would normally hope for but he is the only one avail...i got in touch with dd and Kevin was able to reduce the price to the point I was able to "pull the trigger."
Once again, I can't recommend dd/la strongly enough...they are the best...
and Kevin, Hannaha, and Chris...huge thank you~

I hate you but I love your fish. i wanted that gfish bad. I was saving up for it .At least I will get to see it one day?I hope.
he is a huge trigger...as far as lagoon trigs go, I have only seen 1 that was bigger...in 1991 I asked a lfs to get me an Assassi...they got me one that was easily a foot long and 2 inches wide...had to pick it up with 2 hands...went to Chinatown once a week to but 100 crayfish to feed to him....the Cinereus is almost as large...just a massive fish...was sent in 7 gallons of water and I had to acclimate him in the box that he came in...and the acclimation process was interesting...