I have 11 Rhodactis on a rock in a 30 gallon tank under 130watt pc's and it is doing fine. Its halfway up in the tank and the lights r 4 inches up above the top of the tank and theres no top. My question is: I have a 30 gal cube with 96watts of pc lighting with 2 18watt t-5 actinics and was wondering if they would do just as good in there. Right now the only corals in there r mushrooms and a couple heads of Euphyllia and I really want to put the Rhodactice in there with the other shrooms. The Euphyllia was found when I rearranged the rocks. Anywho, the tank is 19" tall and 20" wide. The lights r an inch above the aquarium glass. The filtration is an Emperor 400 with what I think Foster and Smith call a forever filter insert on 1 side, a regular filter cartridge on the other, and theres carbon and Chemi Pure in there too. Theres a Powersweep in there with no other source of current. Water Parameters r great.
Your help is greatly appreciated.
Thanx, Joe
Your help is greatly appreciated.
Thanx, Joe