Ribbon Eel- Juvenile


Gone Fishin'
Premium Member
My wife and I picked up a juvenile ribbon last week and it is doing great. It is out and about regularly and feeds constantly. I work at home so this "guy" is an endless source of task avoidance. Have some questions for people with experience with ribbons. It is currently in the 75 but could be moved to the 270 once it becomes a he with some size on him. Once we build our house in the next couple of years, I am looking at a 500 (96x50x24) peninsula to be the big tank. I could always plan for a second peninsula for a few of these.

1. Do they over-eat and can that become a problem? It just doesn't seem to slow down. Even when it has a bulge in its stomach it is still hungry.

2. I feed it mysis, krill, and cut shrimp fresh off the boat. Any other suggestions for food. Sometimes he even eats nori and flake floating around.

3. How long until it transitions into a male?

4. Is it a time or a length determined?

5. Once they get large, do they get aggressive to larger tangs, clowns, dartfish, etc.? Do I need to plan for him and some friends to have a 120 on their own?

6. Do males fight with each other or is it only with a female?

7. Has anyone ever kept one long enough for a male to turn into a female?