Ric Splitting or in danger?


New member
When my light came on today, I noticed that my green ric was coming detached from the plug it was on. It has shown no signs of damage until today and everything else is healthy.

It has three mouths, so I'm hoping that it's just trying to split.


Taking a look at the front, the color still looks good, if a little smaller than usual. Although hanging off the rock is a new one... :unsure:

The part hanging off has two mouths on it pretty close together. Can I cut the tissue in between the attached mouth and the two other mouths and re-attach that to some rubble?
It looks like your ric is not splitting but may be under too much flow or stressed. How are your water parameters? Make sure your tank alkalinity is at the correct level and is stable. I also see from the photo you may have a cyano outbreak-this may be a sign the water quality is not optimum for your ric.
it looks like its searching for a place to attach its foot to. perhaps try to place some substrate near the free foot area. i imagine it will work itself out though...any update?