I have a 30 gallon cube with about 20 ricordea and various acans. I have noticed that a few of them seem to be cupping upward. My lighting is 2x32w pc actinics and a 150w DE MH using a 14k phoenix bulb. All bulbs are less then 3 months old. All water parameters are where they should be. Temp and salinity are controlled by ReefKeeper Elite. I am thinking that they may be in need of more light. The ricordea are placed about 18"-20" below the actual bulb of the MH. I have a spare 250w single ended MH setup laying in the garage....do you folks think that I should swap out the 150w DE MH for the 250w SE MH? Anyone ever have this problem? I feed the rics brine and mysis shrimp and they all eat fine. Most of the rics are pink and orange with a few blues, purples, and greens. Let me know your thoughts...