Ricordea Growth Experiment


New member
I want to start an experiment with ricordea placed in various spots in my tank. The goal is to see what are the best conditions for rics to multiply, grow the largest and show the best color. My tank is a 20L with 150 watt MH 20K bulb, 2 Koralia 1's, and AC 110 fuge, 15 pounds live rock and 20-25 pounds of live sand. I will place the ricordea in three spots in the tank: the left, middle, and right side.
Left side of the tank
Most flow in the tank
Not under direct light
Under direct light
less flow than the left side
Least amount of flow
Not under direct light

I will document with pictures and habitual updates.

Front tank shot

3 mouth blue ricordea on left side

1 mouth blue ric in center

1 mouth orange ric in center

1 mouth green ric on right side
I did this a year ago i found that Higher temp, bright light , & high flow. But i will keep an eye on yours to see what your results are.
Higher temp is good. The brighter light the less the color will come out but they will grow faster. Lower light they will come out bigger and brighter but grow slower. The more current you have on them the less they will come out. If you put direct current on them you will actually get them to slit trying to get out of the current I have personally cut some of my rics in half by using powerheads on purpose. Hope this helps.
Ricordea are like all invertabrates, they are ectothermic. This means with a higher temprature they grow faster because their metabolism is sped up considerably. This however can also result in a faster occourance of problems, since with the raised metabolism they can occour more quickly. It is a personal choice weather you chose to take the risk. If you know you keep a good tank, then go for it. If you are still learning, keep it a little lower so that you have more time to deal with potiential probelms. Hope that made sence.
This was very helpful...I just set up a 10 gal with a couple of rics. I have my scattered through the tank as well, but for the time being I am not concerned with color or increased growth as I am trying to keep them alive. What do you feed your rics? I have seen some use cyclopeeze and rotifers. Good in your experience?
You also have to remember one other thing. Different color Shrooms have different needs and beyond that every shroom even clones are different from each other is small to large ways. to get a true controlled experiment like you are trying would be almost impossible. .
Not trying to burst your bubble but when you get the results this round and maybe try it again right after and then get completely different results it won't be as much of shock
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=12869925#post12869925 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by gigglalittl
This was very helpful...I just set up a 10 gal with a couple of rics. I have my scattered through the tank as well, but for the time being I am not concerned with color or increased growth as I am trying to keep them alive. What do you feed your rics? I have seen some use cyclopeeze and rotifers. Good in your experience?

Cyclopeeze 1 time a month you don't need to feed your shrooms it will sooner or later increase your tank levels and cause issues. Giving them a treat every now and then is cool though.