Ricordea Growth


New member
My ricordeas are not growing at all. It has been a couple of months and they have not opened up fully or split. I've read that they don't like excessive water flow so I've moved them to a spot with less flow and they are now on a small piece of rock on the sand bed.
Anyone got any recommendations or ideas? My water parameters are good. I have 2MH 20,000K bulbs and blue acitinics.


Has to be frozen? I bought some reef chili on ebay and it is a concoction of different foods but it is not frozen. I've been feeding all my corals this and they love it. I just haven't seen any growth with the ricordeas.
I give mine small pieces of shrimp, clam, or scallop whenever I feed my anemone. I just rip off a small piece of whatever I'm feeding and it eats it right up.
Wow, I had no idea you had to target feed them meaty foods. Because I've had other mushrooms (not ricordea) and they multiply like crazy.