Ricordea Harvesting Limits & Price increase


New member
What are peoples views on that Divers will soon be limited to the number of Rics they can harvest in a day & the adverse effects it will have on Ric prices.
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They will probably go up, but as far as I ever new they already had a limit in US waters, but I could be wrong. I know they(government) are trying to get Haiti and Cuba to start limiting collection in their waters.

I think it is probably a good thing the divers will just have to go out more. I collect them and the are my favorite coral so I will pay the price even if they do go up......If that is what they have to do so the populations are not decimated then it is fine with me...
That doesn't seem to bad.....Thanks for sharing. I know a Vendor I can ask and see what he says about it....I will report back what he says.
I import zoa's & rics for the States & my supplier currently receives enough rics for them to sell & export to other sellers. But say they only have a couple of divers on their books collecting 200 a day, and as i do place an order for 200 rics, that a whole days allocation gone just like that without the supplier selling any at full price, and thats just with my order. It could seriously effect the suppliers income and/or my business.
That is very true......I posted a question to the vendor on another forum.....I will see what they say too.
I remember when I bought my shop in `90 that I ordered in 500lbs of ricordia covered rock for 2$ a lb. After shipping and markup I sold it for 6 to 8$ a lb. You couldn`t even see the rock for the rics- what a diffrence 20yrs makes..........
The guy I asked said they know there is something coming but they have not been told yet by the DNR. He said if anything you will see the 10 for $99 go by the wayside. That cost will go up for sure most likely 10 for $150+. But he wasn't sure untill they get the forms or guidlines....I asked him to keep me informed...Either way prices will be going up you can bet on that.....At least they won't be banned because of the HR669....
Taken from the minutes of Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission Meeting February 4-5, 2009, Destin, FL

Final Rules â€"œ Marine Life Chairman Barreto asked Jessica McCawley, Biological Administrator III in the Division of Marine Fisheries Management to present final rules for marine life. She presented a description of the following rules for final public hearing:

68B-42.001, Purpose and Intent: Designation of Restricted Species Definition of “Marine Life Species” â€"œ amend this section to include porcupine fish, spotted burrfish, black brotula, key brotula, yellow stingray, blackbar soldierfish, red mithrax crab, emerald crab, red ridged clinging crab, the snail Lithopoma tectum, all hermit crabs (except land hermits), and nassarius snails. This section is also amended to authorize the issuance of Special Activity Licenses for activities that are otherwise prohibited in this rule chapter as well as correct some misspellings in this section.

68B-42.002, Definitions â€"œ amend this section to add a definition of fork length.

68B-42.004, Size Limits â€"œ amend this section to modify the size limit for butterflyfish and establish maximum sizes for parrotfish and tangs.

68B-42.005, Recreational Bag Limit â€"œ amend this section to allow no more than five of any one species within the 20-organism daily bag limit. This section is also amended to create a recreational two-day possession limit of 40 total organisms, including a maximum of two gallons for tropical ornamental plants. Allowable tools would also be specified for the harvest of corallimorphs polyps and zoanthids polyps. Allowable tools would include a flexible blade no wider than two inches, such as a paint scraper, putty knife, or a razor blade. A recreational harvest of ornamental sponges north of Egmont Key in the Gulf of Mexico, to include a one-inch amount of substrate below the holdfast and a one-inch thick piece of substrate below the holdfast of the sponge.

68B-42.006, Commercial Season, Harvest Limits â€"œ amend this section to modify limits for butterfly fish (100) and condylactis anemones (200). Establish limits for dwarf seahorses (400), emerald crab (400), Lithopoma tectum (one gallon/two gallon), scarlet reef hermits (one quart/two quart), zooantids (one gallon/two gallon), and corallimorphs (100/200). Allowable tools would also be specified for the harvest of corallimorphs polyps and zoanthids polyps. Allowable tools would include a flexible blade no wider than two inches, such as a pain scraper, putty knife, or a razor blade.

A harvest of ornamental sponges north of Egmont Key in the Gulf of Mexico, to include a one-inch amount of substrate below the holdfast and a one-inch thick piece of substrate below the holdfast of the sponge would be added. Some updates to existing rule wording to make it more consistent with the endorsement program will be made.

68B-42.0065, Commercial Requirements; Endorsements; Re-qualifying; Appeals; Leasing; Transferability â€"œ amend the requalification criteria for the Marine Life Transferable Dive Endorsement to allow live rock landings.

68B-42.007, Gear Specifications and Prohibited Gear â€"œ amend to limit the use of quinaldine to ensure its use only by endorsement holders permitted to harvest by diving.

68B-42.009, Prohibition on the Taking Destruction, or Sale of Marine Corals and Seas Fans; Exception â€"œ amend to update references and delete a repealed statute.

What this means is that a licensed collector can take 100 corallimorphs per day, 200 if there are two licensed collectors on a boat. This is a combined limit of mushrooms AND ricordeas.

Yes, prices of ricordeas WILL go up!
Re: Ricordea Harvesting Limits & Price increase

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14888130#post14888130 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by dark_stranger
What are peoples views on that Divers will soon be limited to the number of Rics they can harvest in a day & the adverse effects it will have on Ric prices.
What's good for wild colonies is good for the aquarium trade over the long term. Sustainability is a more stringent requirement than one might think. The word gets thrown around a lot these days, yet seldom met in practice. It may even be a good thing, as it will make ricordea farming more competitive compared to wild-harvesting...

Since we own reef aquariums, ipso facto, we have disposable income and can afford a price increase. I don't mind paying a bit more. Heck, they're under $10 a polyp right now...
Re: Re: Ricordea Harvesting Limits & Price increase

Re: Re: Ricordea Harvesting Limits & Price increase

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14899018#post14899018 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by macclellan
What's good for wild colonies is good for the aquarium trade over the long term. Sustainability is a more stringent requirement than one might think. The word gets thrown around a lot these days, yet seldom met in practice. It may even be a good thing, as it will make ricordea farming more competitive compared to wild-harvesting...

Since we own reef aquariums, ipso facto, we have disposable income and can afford a price increase. I don't mind paying a bit more. Heck, they're under $10 a polyp right now...

+1 on that!
The limits are being enacted on all corralamorphs, not just rics, and its a limit of 100 per license, 200 per boat, per day.

The limit right now is 1000/boat i believe.
Rock and Ricordea has just been reopened out of Haiti so I don't think you'll see a price increase.If you do it will be minimal IMO
Re: Re: Re: Ricordea Harvesting Limits & Price increase

Re: Re: Re: Ricordea Harvesting Limits & Price increase

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14899795#post14899795 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Azurel
+1 on that!

+2 on that!:beer:


Anything that could leave stuff in the ocean by taking it out of a tank Im all for. Yea It might take a little longer to get what you want but if there charging more so can you. The govt should be trying to aquaculter all the popular fish and corals instead of wasting it on bailouts! :mad2: They should have handed that money to the people who pay taxes and such. (Sorry) Im just saying it cant be good to take that much every day. YeaYeaYea Im part of it to I know!:mixed: It will get us one day Im sure!:lol:
I remember when cutting your own coral for prop. was like rocket science no one that knew had ever tried it or would think of it, you payed too much and was just trying to keep it alive. Now we all hack at everything and rade everyhing here on RC so bag limits will only make us better at growing and cutting rics. witch is what we should be doing anyway. I have zero wild coral in my tanks and gonna keep it that way.
To be honest I don't know if any of mine are wild but I havn't bought any that siad they were but it dosn't meen there not I guess. There is all most nothing that can't be fragged and that should be the standerd practice. But I also realise something new to the hobby usually has to start from the wild.
The biggest problem will be the collecting methods, not the limits. You can no longer collect individual polyps with hammer and chisel. Only a "flexible" knife, like a putty knife. This will seriously slow the divers down and increase the stress on the individual polyps (polyps getting torn/damaged in the collecting process).

I've got mixed thoughts on this one. I personally have no problem taking the extra time and care to collect the polyps. I am doing it for myself and usually only collect 5-6 per year (I'm picky).

If it was my business, I would probably stop collecting altogether. I have a friend that is a tropical fish collector in the Keys. Due to the current restrictions (and some health issues that restricted his diving), he stopped collecting rics several years ago. Now, he only goes to those spots when I go down to visit.