Ricordea Melted!!!


New member
Today I found a dead rotting ricordea, it looks like its melting, I already siphoned it out.

About 6 weeks ago the same thing happened, what could be causing this?

I got 20 ricordeas and 40 more different sps, lps and soft corals and they all seem happy.

I even made my aquarium stink a little bit.
I had something similar happen this week and I can't put my finger on it. One of mine just slowly disappeared, everything else is healthy and happy.
Ricordea yuma? If so they have been known to do that for no apparent reason. I have had them do that before after being in the tank for months and years....Was this a new acquisition? Most likely a bacterial infection....Best thing to do is exactly what you did and get it out of there.....What are your parameters?
Be warned there has been cases when one Ric dissolves it can affect them
all wiping out the whole lot.:eek1:

Unfortunately I cant provide the cure but if you see any further signs of them
"melting" you should remove the ric immediately.