Ricordea problem.


New member
I bought a few polyps of zoa's a while back and they are beginning to spread across the rock i have them on but recently a Ricordea began to grow out of the same rock and has begun to grow large enough to push against the zoa's and even cover a polyp or two. Is there anyway of removing the ric from the rock, and not kill it? I was told that I could just cut it off at the base but wouldn't the ric just grow back from the base? I cant break the rock either because it is at the bottom of a pile.
Can you post a pic? Are you sure it's a ric?
If it is indeed a shroom, try high flow to irritate the shroom. It may detach but may leave tissues that will grow into another shroom (or may not).
<a href="http://picasaweb.google.com/cognogin/MyAquarium/photo?authkey=S1DY5ofn2YM#5148148328837299122"><img src="http://lh5.google.com/cognogin/R3HloQdeO7I/AAAAAAAAAKM/2eJ1wldNqVU/s144/2007_12160014.JPG" /></a> Im pretty sure its a Ricordea. I'll try and get some increased flow towards it. Has anyone ever tried to cover one up or block it from getting light to get it to detach?
Yea that's Ricoridea floridia. I don't think blocking it from light will be as effective as pointing a powerhead directly at it. Or you can use your fingernail to peel it off the rock, trying to get as much as you can. It could leave a little bit there to regrow but you could do the same thing to get little new ones off.

Just curious, How many watts of pc do you have over your tank?
Might be easier to to move the zoa then the ric.....That;s what I would do but that's me....
Now that I look at your picture again, I am sure I have those exact paly/zoas with ricordea and yes, the palys/zoas will move . Very slowly,but they will move to where they wont be bothered. I have noticed with mine that they dont seem to mind cohabittating on the same patch of rock at all. I would leave them alone.