Ricordia on the sand bed


New member
How do i get ricordia to grow across the sand bed? Ive seen alot of tanks with an entire are of sandbed covered in a multicolored "carpet" of ricordia. I was thinking maybe aquarium gravel in the area i want them to grow. Not sure if it would work
i have an orange ric that is on my sand bed, but it decided to stay towards the back of the tank where there is not much light and its not open very much, i was thinking about moving it towards the light, because it used to be huge.
First get it to stick to a piece of gravel by placing them in a container with low flow and a bed of gravel. In a week or so the ricordea will pick up a piece of gravel .Then throw some small live rock rubble in the bottom of tank. Glue the gravel that stuck on ricordeas foot to the rubble not the ricordea
my rics are already attached to small rocks. the question i have is how to get them to spread across a sandbed. i know they will not attach to sand.
the only thing i would suggest, which might be a PITA, is to frag them and let them attach to a small rock, then take all the frags and scatter them. I had like 30 polyps on one rock and I fragged half of them to sell. I got them all to attach to a small rock and now they are scattered on my sand bed like you are talking about (they are just not permanent since I am selling them.)