Ricordia overrun by Xenia!


I have six Rics on a corner of live rock, some of which are in a small cave, and they are being overrun by a colony of Xenia. Some of the Rics are out of sight completely, and others are extending themselves in a conical way to get out from under the Xenia and capture light. Are these guys gonners if I don't cut out the Xenia, or will they move to safety on their own?

The counterpoint to this is whether or not you have a reason to let the xenia run into the rics. Is there a reason not to cut back the xenia?

In the time between my original post and now, I did end up cutting back the Xenia and make frags out of them. It was easier than I thought although there are three small patches of tissue remaining on the rock, and each one of them is already sprouting polyps.
In the time between my original post and now, I did end up cutting back the Xenia and make frags out of them. It was easier than I thought although there are three small patches of tissue remaining on the rock, and each one of them is already sprouting polyps.

Welcome to my world! I prune aprox 30 heads per month. You better start getting used to it. :hammer:
The rics will sting the xenia back. If you want to rid your tank of xenia the only way to do it is to take the rock out and scrub it with a wire btush. Good luck