Ricordia propagation myth?


New member
I've read that in order to propagate ricordia one needs to cut them to ensure that each frag has a part of the mouth. I recently discovered that this is not completely accurate. 2 months ago, I cut a small portion of my green florida ricordia that did not contain any portion of the mouth. It has been doing fine, and in fact it has grown its own mouth. Has anyone else had the same experience?
There seem to be mixed opinions on this subject. My not-so-expert opinion is that each piece of Ricordea florida cut needs to have a piece of the foot to ensure success, not necessarily the mouth. I've had very good success propping without cutting the mouth (so far at least).

I'm not sure about Ricordea yumas, however, as I haven't tried to prop one yet. They may very well need part of the mouth to be successful.

You can find a little more on this subject in this thread:

If you cut it with a section of the mouth it will HEAL faster.

Not that you CAN'T cut one with out a foot or mouth, it can survive, but it is like pulling teeth waiting for it to mend.

Best advice I can give is to cut your rics into 1/4s getting a section of mouth with each piece. You will get the fastest healing and will have a ric that looks good. I have seen places that butcher rics into 9 pieces and 4 might live sometimes 5 but they still always look like they went through a blender.
Does anyone know of any actual empirical study done on this? With average healing times, mortality rates, etc, for different methods of Ricordea propagation? All I've seen are people's opinions, but I rather see the cold, hard facts on the matter since most opinions are based on personal experience, not actual experimentation.
I do it all day long, it is my job.

1/4 cuttings with the mouth piece heal in 5 days 100%.

With out a good section of the mouth to heal 100% it takes up to 14 days.

The 1/4 cuttings I do - Morality is virtually 0.

When I did not know better and cut them into 1/8s or more mortality was high - 1/2 if not more depending if the dying took their neighbors out.
I guess I'll trust your method then, it sounds like you've more or less perfected it by now. I've been confused because I had heard other opinions stating that you shouldn't cut the mouth because it slows the healing time, so I've been doing it that way and it's worked out great each time. I'll try cutting the mouth next and see if it works out noticeably better for me.

I plan to do some experimenting eventually and generate some data on the subject -- Just for curiosity's sake. It sounds kind of fun anyways :D
How long do you usually have them in the tank before you try to cut them up? I've had some that I thought about trying this with but I've only had them for about 2 months now. Is that long enough?

Also can you do this same method (quartering) with Yumas as well?
You can cut Rics at just about any time. The minimum I would do is make sure that when the ric is under light in the tank it opens fully and does not looked deformed. If it stretches out and looks normal and happy Frag the Frucker Up.

Yumas are riskey from a buisiness stand point - I would not cut a yuma.

If I had a yuma in my tank I would cut small one IN HALF ONLY and if they make it cool, if not then atleast I have my other ones.
Keep them seperated because sick and dying yumas will take out the ones next to them.

Cutting a ric with the a piece of the mouth makes all the difference in healing time and factor IME. Take the exacto blade from one end to the other cutting the mouth right in half and right after that tyake the two halfs and cut the half mouth in half equally on each side. After youdo it 10 times your aim will be perfect and you will hit the mouth everytime.
Well I may just have to try that then with my rics! :D

I only have one yuma in my tank now so I guess I'll wait until it splits on its own. Is there anyway to help speed this up? I've been feeding it mysis about twice a week.
yumas dont split like floridas.. they grow babies on the rocks..
ive had good results cutting yumas..but ONLY in half..