Ricordia Question

Chef Choy

New member
Just curious.......

I have a 150 that was fish only, and over time I have lost most of the fish. Now that all the triggers are gone, I was thinking of adding some more fish, but this time more reef safe fish and still keeping the fo theme.......however..... I wouldnt mind having a few mushrooms, but nothing more. I just have some cheap strip lights with 50/50 bulbs. I know that most mushrooms dont need a ton of light.

Question 1.
Could I do any mushrooms?

and 2.
I really like some ric's. Do those have high light requirements?

Thanks for your help.

It depends on the wattage of you're light. But IME, rics and shrooms are forgiving of light. I have mines under 3 wpg (PC's) and they thrive very well.
thanks for the input.......anyone else have any experience with keeping mushrooms in low light, particularly in a 150 gallon?
sorry but i'm aussie and don't know what a 150G tanks dimensions are, WPG is not a very good way to determine what light will work as tanks nowadays are all different sizes.

what depth tank?

how many strip lights. sorry for my ignorance but bystrip lights i'm assuming NO T8 flourescents? how many of them?
Most lighting will do fine for rics. They do not like strong light at all and will not fluff under strong lighting. i keep mine barely in the light and they look awesome. I have been keeping rics for 3 years
update.......I just decided to get better lights, Got 2 250w halides, and I ordered new bulbs the other day. Anyone have some frags they want to part with......lol:)