ricordia tank. :)


Active member
this is being filled for the prop of ricodia and mushrooms ( just got around to getting a light for it)

just thought id share since a few people asked at the swap



anyone have any nice rics / yumas they are looking to sell or trade ( keep in mind i have these and should be able to frag within 2 months

yo I already talked to you about those zoas...I've got 3 types of rics...and 2 types of yumas...let me know if you're interested.
ill let ya know as soon as i have enguh to start trading.
growth is promising
i already have one frag
but it isnt ready to go ( 3 polyp frag still p/oed about being fraged. hasnt opened yet.. and it kinda fragged it self was growing off the rock it is mounted on.. didnt relized and i kinda tore it without it being attached to eitehr

oh matt :( my montie died that i got from you. it was such a small frag i kinda expected it but at the price was well worth a shot :) knew i shoulda grabed on of the large ones ealier in the day lol
attr, i have lots of rics, from metalic orange, rainbows, blue, green, neon green etc...
id like a frag of those zoas to trade. let me know.
they are "attr's blue ripple zoa's "
anyways guys gota any picts of these ricordia?

also what lighting do you have them under currently ( like keepign them under similar lighting at first so they dont melt lol)
I wouldnt worry about melting rics, I have my pink ones in the top 6in of water under 250w MH pheonix 14k i have some pics at home and will post when i get there.
Ok here is a really crappy pic i just took of one of my pink ric frags. I have a couple of others, PM me if you want to come by and see them.

orange w/ green mouth

these are a little more colorful than the picture...orange and blue/purple.

and i've got some green with purple rims.

and i've got a little 1 polyp frag of another colorful yuma. green, pink, blue, purple.
here's a really old, horrible picture of them...but it's all i've got. this is when I still lived in orlando and had a 55 in my apt. at college. base is a blue/purple