so i am looking into getting a ricordia frag... how fast can they start multipling.. i fragged mushrooms before but i am afraid to try it with rics.. thanks
depends on the ricordea.
i have a ricordea that ive had for 4-5 months and has grown from about 1inch to about 2.5inches in diameter but it hasnt split or grown any new mouthes.
I also have rics with multiple mouths that just wont seem to split.
Im thinking about giving them a little motivation (razor blade) but ill practice on shrooms first. You can always practice on a cheap ricordea like one that costs $6 or so instead of a ric that is more expensive.
Also ive heard that feeding them regulary increases their growth. I personally feed my rics (the ones that eat) 3-4 a week and they seem to be growing fast.
The fastest not natural way to aquaculture Ricordea is to just put a powerhead or something on them, if the water flow is to much it will walk away leaving chunks of its foot behind that turn into Ricordea. I have about 30 now.
I've had luck by taking a razor blade and just slicing the base. The sliced piece goes on to become a new shroom. The power head trick works but I've had some let go and go floating around the tank that way.
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