Ok here's the deal, I have a 24G aquapod that I bought a 20" orbit fixture with a modded 70W DE Metal Halide light that replaced one of the 40W PC lamps. SO this setup is 70W MH and 40W PC antinic. I also run the stock hood with 2x36W PC (one 50/50 daylight and one 50/50 antinic). I rotate the lighting every two days (lift the hood and run the MH for 2 days and then take it off and close the hood and run PC's for 2 days) It is filled mostly with many, many types of zoas, which all are thriving and growing like crazy. I've bought 2 Ricordias (orange - was very pretty) and they have seem to shrink into hardly nothing. One is 3/4 of the way up and the other is on the bottom. The one of the bottom looks better than the one that is 3/4 towards the top - this one looks bad 
I have zero Nitrates or Phosphates, Use Reef Crystals salt with RO/DI water and change weekly (3 gallons).
I though rics liked alot of light? Is there too much for these guys? should I move them to another tank? need help ASAP because i have a feeling if I don't act now, there not going to make it.

I have zero Nitrates or Phosphates, Use Reef Crystals salt with RO/DI water and change weekly (3 gallons).
I though rics liked alot of light? Is there too much for these guys? should I move them to another tank? need help ASAP because i have a feeling if I don't act now, there not going to make it.