Ricordias turning pale

Waco Pilot

New member
We have a number of different Ricordias in our 75g tank. Lighting is T5. All are either mid-level or on the bottom with the exception of an orange that is near the top. I have one rock that had three large purple Ricordias about the size of silver dollars. One has gone from vivid purple shades to sort of a washed out pastel shade. The other two are vivid. I then had two blue/grey with yellow around the edges that is on the bottom of the tank and one has basically turned white. Are they bleaching because of the lights? The orange at the top is doing/looking fantastic! All water parameters are good..PH 8.4, SG 1.025, Ammonia, Nitrite, Nitrate 0, Calcium around 420 or a tad higher, temp 78, KH within range.
Tagging along. I have a couple orange ones that look fantastic, but my green and my blue are washed out almost to the point of being colorless.

I also run T5's, 4x24 over a 29 gallon, and the rics are in the bottom 1/3.

What is your photoperiod like?? I've been wondering if that might be my issue, since some of my SPS are also somewhat pale.
I'm no expert but in my experience any ricordea I had that was bleached was because it didn't get any light. I would find some that detached themselves and ended up deep in the rock work and they were completely white.

If the light is too much I suspect they would melt.

I have mine in low light low flow areas, most of them are on the sand bed actually. Try moving them to a different area of the tank first and give it a few weeks to see how they respond. You can also try feeding them very small bits of mysis.

Good luck!
Are you talking about Florida Rics vs Ricordia Yuma. Ricordia Yuma can melt with too much light. I have never seen Florida Rics melt. Both species does best with low light and low flow