rics & lighting


New member
i have all t5 light system & can keep clams on sandbed. how much light do most of you expose your rics too? i have 4 or 5 & they are doing well & have split several times. just curious about others thoughts on light. such as could i get better growth in more shaded area, or if i move up a little from bottom. most of mine are on rocks on bottom of tank now.
i have about 510 watt t5 system on 2 ft deep tank if that helps
I've wondered the same thing regarding my own, I have a 14 gallon biocube with a few rics at the bottom. My lighting is a 70 watt halide and 9 cree blue led's. The only thing I can seem to figure out is they definitely do better in lower lighting areas. I've seen a lot of pics with T5's and they always look a little healthier/brighter than my own. Hopefully more people will chime in on this one...
My first ric is dying im pretty sure. its a pink yuma i think i exposed it to too much light its fading and its mouth is wide open. i have 3 10,000 and 3 atinics it was half way up the tank fully exposed
slow and low.... low in the tank and they will grow slow. rics dont like much light. whenever i've seen them diving in the keys they are usually shaded by other corals.
would 2x10k T5's be too much 15cm away from the tubes?

Would they grow better under 20k tubes?

How about flow - do they like lots of flow?
i have one about 13in below a 24w 14k and actinic T5 and it looks great

i have had them pop off from to much flow so low to moderate flow
I also have rics and t5 lighting. 180 gallon tank. My rics are spaced all over in my tank, some near the top, some in the middle, and some on the bottom. They are all doing fine and seem to be happy. If you find that they are not growing well, move them to another spot. Hope this helps.
agree with bnum1, I think Ric are rather forgiving in terms of lighting.

however, they are sensitive to water current, I think they prefer low to no flow

