ritteri -- just ordered one. I'm nervous, suggestions?


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I have been in the hobby for about 20 years if you add up the times I was in it since I was 8 years old (at times I was tankless! :) ). I have had RBTA no problem (but they are easy). I currently have a mainly SPS with some LPS 110 gallon. It includes acro (mainly frags), elegance, torch, hammer, and my favorite a birdsnest (sps). It's been doing very well for the past 8 months after having some break in "issues" the first 8-9 months of being set up. So it's about a year and 8 months since I set it up. I finally got though I think my final phase of a cyano bloom (beaten by growing a lot of chaeto in my fuge).

I say all that b/c I know from reading that the riterri is not to be taken lightly. I feel my tank is likely ready for it. From what I read it should be placed higher up (?). My lighting is overall intense with my kessil ap700 in the middle and a kessil a 600 on either side. I have it on 75%. I cant put even the most light loving acros higher than mid height without them quickly losing color (type of bleaching). My flow overall is pretty high with 2 Tunze 3's. I have a Ca reactor, my alk is very stable.

Where should I place this guy? Should I get a large diameter pvc pipe piece to keep it from wandering into a tunze? I;m very nervous about that.

It's coming from LiveAquaria, NOT wisiwig..so I dont even know for sure the color variant. It's a box of chocolates. Any other input appreciated!

I have yet to get some clowns for it! I been looking for a long time, as I havent decided on the clowns I prefer btw :)

I only have easier type of anemones but all the mags I saw in tanks are on high rock of the tank. Sometimes they just stand on a flat rock top with the whole body facing the light. Seems they really like to get as close as possible to the light?

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Lighting Maroon Clownfish is awesome and a natural designer clownfish unlike most in the market that's inbreed to produce them.

These Clownfish exhibits large finnage of the Maroon Clownfish and thick barring outlined a distinctly showy specimen sporting large flowing fins and crisp, bright red coloration. These ORA® aqua-cultured Lightning Maroon Clownfish makes an excellent addition to almost any saltwater aquarium system.

In general, Maroon Clownfish are the most territorial & aggressive of all clownfish species. They are born with no gender, and as they mature they'll select their gender opposite of their dominate mate. Males can change into female only once. Females can't change to become males. The lifespan of a clownfish can be up to 30 years or more.

New aquarists and readers may not be familiar with the back-story of the PNG Lightning Maroon Clownfish; in short, a Maroon Clownfish (Premnas biaculeatus) showing unusual branched barring and a reticulated head band was first discovered by marine fish collector Steve Robinson in 2008 in the waters of Papua New Guinea. The fish was dubbed the Lightning Maroon Clownfish due to similarities between the striped markings on the flanks and our typical idea of what lightning bolts look like.

The second wild fish was purchased by Matt Pedersen and was delivered to Duluth, Minnesota. This fish was ultimately paired with a wild White Stripe Maroon Clownfish from the same PNG location, and successfully spawned in June, 2012. The second spawn, laid on June 21st, 2012, was the first to produce viable offspring.

Read up on Cipro in the anenome section. Very likely it'll need treatment.

I'm going to read on that. Stared on one thread. But how will I know if I need to do this? I've had really good luck with LA so far. I'm hoping they did a QT of some form already.

Nice purchase! I was at my local fish store today and they have two of them for I believe $70 each. Would of bought it if I had a bigger tank as they were pretty huge!

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I'm going to read on that. Stared on one thread. But how will I know if I need to do this? I've had really good luck with LA so far. I'm hoping they did a QT of some form already.


If it inflates/deflates alot...and spews alot of dark brown crap from it's mouth, mouth gaping ,Etc...