RKL Wave Maker and Tunze 6045


New member
I just got at RKL and I have 4 Tunze 6045 pumps in my tank. When I use the wave maker function and the pumps switch on, it is generally a 50/50 shot that the pump will go backwards. Any thoughts on a fix for this or do I just need to use these in the on position all the time? Would a surge suppressor help this?
The pumps may need cleaned or the impeller could be broken or damaged. Do the metal shafts stay firmly in the pumps as they should? Keep in mind these pumps should not be used on a wave maker. If you want them to turn off and on, use an interval of no less than 15 minutes... the longer the better
Thanks for the reply! The impellers appear to be in ok shape. I actually thought that maybe I shouldn't use them for a wavemaker function...but didn't know for sure. I guess I leave them in the on position for now and maybe upgrade in the future. Thanks again.