RO/DI water


New member
Hi, I was just wondering if there is any difference between the RO/DI water that you get at the LFS and the one sold at the supermarket. Thanks.
I dont think the ones in the supermarket are RO/DI. They are usually just filtered by RO, but then again some lfs might just filter their's with RO too. Might want to check when getting it at the lfs
Plus, I don't think a supermarket will give the pricing that LFS's give. The average is what? $.40-.50 for saltwater? I imageine a little less, maybe, for plain RO/DI?

I guess if you have containers, it's cheaper at a LFS.
I myself use the 5g walmart red gascans that are like $5, self venting, 2 handles. You can also find them at Discount/AutoZone.

rodi at my work ranges from 0-11 * usualy 0-3

i know most lfs in the area are 0-20

havent tested the ro at a store.
but i got teh chance to see inside a water maker and ill tell ya. it isnt much diff then what we use besides a recirc loop for the waste water
ive been using publix RO for like 2 weeks because exotic is having problems with their RO/DI.... id get it at reef aquarium, but i hate asking henry to charge $2 to a debit card because he probably pays more than that per transaction - i dont really care about the people at exotic... lol