Saturday morning I was in Bloomsburg and stopped in with Brent to see Lisa's reef. I am not sure if she is here on RC or not.
The tank has been up since around February..
Its an Elos 100 ( 75 gallon) with a built in PS 200 skimmer, filter/sump. Lighting is an ELOS aquatop with 4 led strips-2 blue, 1 white , 1 white and red. The tank is set up in Lisas living room and also receives alot of sun through out the day.
The ELOS set up is very slick looking. The aquatop looks like it is part of the tank and not just a lid thrown on after the fact and the cabinet is a smooth white that looks like furniture.
The reef is a mixture of sps, lps, and some softies. Inhabitants include a trio of flame wrasses, 4 clownfish, 4 sea horses, a mandarin goby, and two small sailfin tangs( destined to be removed when they get older).
<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt=" photo ftsendblues_zps72e5b54b.jpg"/></a>
<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt=" photo ftsendmildfisheye_zpsc180b631.jpg"/></a>
<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt=" photo ftsLEFT_zps54a9a160.jpg"/></a>
The tank has been up since around February..
Its an Elos 100 ( 75 gallon) with a built in PS 200 skimmer, filter/sump. Lighting is an ELOS aquatop with 4 led strips-2 blue, 1 white , 1 white and red. The tank is set up in Lisas living room and also receives alot of sun through out the day.
The ELOS set up is very slick looking. The aquatop looks like it is part of the tank and not just a lid thrown on after the fact and the cabinet is a smooth white that looks like furniture.
The reef is a mixture of sps, lps, and some softies. Inhabitants include a trio of flame wrasses, 4 clownfish, 4 sea horses, a mandarin goby, and two small sailfin tangs( destined to be removed when they get older).
<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt=" photo ftsendblues_zps72e5b54b.jpg"/></a>
<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt=" photo ftsendmildfisheye_zpsc180b631.jpg"/></a>
<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt=" photo ftsLEFT_zps54a9a160.jpg"/></a>