RocknReef Experimenting Again 400g Build

Your Envision tank might be the exact same dimensions as mine! Mine is not fully open on top, however. I have two cross braces, creating three distinct openings on top.

Like you, I made it clear on all four sides. I think you'll enjoy seeing into the tank when you are in the tank room. I know that I do.

I painted my fish room deep blue so it would not distract from the viewing from the front. You could also use a curtain behind the tank if you found looking through the tank to be distracting.

Your tank is absolutely amazing. I hope mine turns out like that.

Mine is not clear on all four sides though. The short side that the external overflow in on and the overflow box itself are black acrylic. I will take some more pics in a few minutes and post them.

I finally got the reflectors hung today now I need to wire up the ballast.

All the plumbing is done except a short section of the three 2" drains that dump into the filter socks. I have plumbed whole houses that didnt take as long as this. LOL

I need some help on how to mount the socks in the Rubbermaid stock tank? Anyone have ideas or pics of how you do it? I am hoping the filter socks will trap most of the bubbles also.

Or if someone has info or pics on how to make bubble traps for the drains that would be great.

Lights are up and wired and the tank is filling as I type.

I am wondering how to make the skimmer drain a little more quiet? Right now I just have it coming through a bulkhead in the side of the stock tank (sump) and dumping straight down. The splashing make quite a bit of noise.

Here are some new pics I just took, dont mind all the wires as I have not began to put all of them in there final place yet. That is for another day. I am beat down like an old dog. Going to hit the couch and watch some football.

Let me know what you think. I really appreciate all the help.







erics3000 I love your fish room. Nice setup
Thanks Eric

I never got around to changing my 100 amp main to a 200 amp panel so today I did this.


I really only needed some more spaces so I added a 100 amp Main Lug sub panel which gave me 6 extra spaces to wire in the 3 20 amp outlets you see in the next pic. It only cost me about $69 instead of about $1000 for the 200 amp upgrade. Now where to spend the savings?

Once I got the sub panel wired I started hooking up some of the equipment. It is starting to come together. It wont be long now. WOOHOO!

Anyone have any ideas for the 3- 2" drains? I need to dump them into socks or bubble traps. But not sure how to make the traps or how to mount the socks in the stock tank?

I am also having some problems with the DC8. I cant seem to get it to communicate with the ACIII. I have the ACIII hooked into the DC HD4 and from there into the DC8 but its not working.

I read on Neptunes website that they should both be plugged into the same outlet and I dont have it that way. I have them on different circuits. Does this matter?

at first I put a piece of pvc pipe across the tank and tied the socks to it. I like your sub panel did you get it from home depot? Have you had any trouble with the water height in your skimmer?

I bought the panel from Lowes. It is a Square D QO 100 amp Main Lug panel. Real simple to wire up. I went with the Square D because I already had some 20 amp breakers for it. I only had to purchase 4' of 6 3 with ground wire and a 50 amp breaker. It only took me about an hour to wire it up. The panel was like $21.

They make a different brand (cant remember which one it is) that has 8 spaces and is a 125 amp main lug. The Square D only had 6 spaces.

As far as the skimmer goes it is not pulling much out but I only have it running in my sump as the main tank is still filling up. I have 150lbs of live rock in the sump (plan to buy about 400lbs more next week) So I think with only 150lbs of rock (no fish, no feeding) and about 60g of water in the sump the MR7 skimmer is just way to big for just that. I havent been able to dial it in really because of that I guess. You also have to remember it has been about 5 years since I had a tank so I am still trying to remember how to tweak everything.

The tank will be filled by tomorrow. Now I just have to figure out how to get the salt mixed in. I have just been filling the main tank with ro/di water and I planned to just mix the salt allowing the closed loop to do so. But now I dont know if mixing it in the acrylic display is such a good idea.

Any thoughts on adding the salt to the main tank (bare bottom)? The salt shouldnt scratch or hurt anything until it is disolved should it?

First acrylic tank also. As you might be able to tell. LOL
This christmas I am going to get a controller and want to finish my electric. Thanks for the info on the panel.

Since you already have half the tank about 3/4 full i would mix the rest of the water and salt in a bin, trash can, or whatever. Just add your salt and drop in a power head and let it mix for a day. the salinity will be super high say if you use a 30 gallon trash can and about few hundred gallon system. This way it will mix a little better. Than you can just drop the water in the tank with the rest. Give it a day or so before you add your rock and make a few checks on your salinty.
Yeah that is what I will do.

I have 2 44g brute trash cans to mix in.

I replied to your build thread about the panel also.
If you need any help getting it wired up just let me know.
I can give you my number and walk you through it anytime.
Pretty sweet setup, can't wait to see that room with the tank all setup and running.
Thanks guys for all the comments.

I enjoy posting the updates as much as working on the tank.

I will update again in the morning (tank will be full).
Well today I managed to get a few things done. I got the tank filled, made an acrylic sock holder, and plumbed the drains.

I ordered 4 ocean motion revolutions and 500lbs of live rock.
Live rock should be here in right after Thanksgiving. I cant wait I feel like a kid at Christmas. LOL

Once the tank was all up and going I took the 150lbs of rock I had in the sump and placed it in the tank. Not bad rock for $150.
Even a couple corals on it that I will have to house somewhere else once I get the new rock.

The water is a little cloudy but probably will be clear by the morning.

Here are some pics I just took

Enjoy, I know I am loving this!





