Chair, MACNA 2014
If you attended Reef Stock this year, then you should have noticed that we handed out tons of fliers for this and had a few hanging from various vendor booths!! Here is a little bit more information on the 1st ever Colorado Tri-Club meeting - The Rocky Mountain Marine Conference & Swap!!! All 3 clubs have decided to combine efforts into one awesome event for EVERYONE!
Saturday, April 16th (Hours TBD)
Highlands Ranch High School
9375 Cresthill Ln (Corner of University & Cresthill, just East of I-25 & Lincoln)
Highlands Ranch, CO 80130-4408
We will have an array of presentations going on throughout the day. Our first confirmed speaker is Joe Thompson "thejrc." His presentation is - "Basement Biologists - How Hobbyists are changing the face of research as we know it" He said he will give us something "different" than your ordinary presentation, maybe with a little hands on interaction.
There are still more details to come as far as speakers go, but we know that you will be pleasantly surprised.
Science Fair
The 3 participants of this years 1st Annual MASC Science Fair will be displaying their projects. As stated before, ALL three of the participants will be featured in a future edition of Reef Hobbyist Magazine! All of you, the attendee's, will have a chance to check out the projects, judge them, and then cast a vote to see who will win the "popular" vote.
The grand prize winner receives a FREE trip to MACNA 2011! Hotel provided by our own JontheFB owner of Fathom Aquatics, and the flight will be provided by Aqua Medic of North America. The winner will also receive free entry to MACNA 2011 and will get to display their winning project at the Reef Hobbyist Magazine MACNA booth!
We also will have a few demonstrations going on that day. Our first workshop will be a fragging demo. This will be an interactive demonstration for any attendee who would like to participate. Participants will learn how to cut and mount an easy, medium, extreme coral. At the end, you might even be able to take the piece home that you were working on . But remember, because supplies may be limited you must sign up beforehand! This interactive demo will be $10 for all club members and $20 for any non club member. Each club (DARC, MASC, SCMAS) determines who is a club member and who isn't a club member so if you have any questions please contact your board.
Also, if you are interested in conducting a workshop, PLEASE contact the DARC board and we will work out the details with you.
Frag Swap & Garage Sale
As always there will be a frag swap. Here is the list of the vendors that we have so far. If you would like to be a part of the frag swap please let us know and we can add you to the list! Remember, "older/used" equipment can also be sold, so if you've got anything lying around in the garage bring it on over and help someone else out.
Aquatic Art
Steel City Corals
Mile High Aquatics
Build Your Tank
Gonzo's Coral Frags
Premier Aquatics
Boston Aqua Farms
Aqua Medic of North America
Reef Kingdom
The raffle will contain an array of different corals and products from vendors that will be there and from different sponsors around the country! More details as they become available. Remember, ALL PROCEEDS will be donated to Highlands Ranch High school for their awesome dedication to this hobby, and to help maintain the tanks and the reef club that they have at their school.
This is a kid friendly event and we want to encourage involvement from our young reefing community.
If you have any questions you can post them here or contact any one of the clubs' board members. There will be more details to come as the date draws near.
HRHS Coordinator: Mike Ryan
D.A.R.C - d.a.r.c@comcast.net
SCMAS - theboard@thescmas.com
MASC - board@marinecolorado.org
Attendance is FREE
Parking is FREE
Speaker sessions are FREE
Workshops may require a small fee to cover materials costs.
Mark your calendars!
Saturday, April 16th (Hours TBD)
Highlands Ranch High School
9375 Cresthill Ln (Corner of University & Cresthill, just East of I-25 & Lincoln)
Highlands Ranch, CO 80130-4408
We will have an array of presentations going on throughout the day. Our first confirmed speaker is Joe Thompson "thejrc." His presentation is - "Basement Biologists - How Hobbyists are changing the face of research as we know it" He said he will give us something "different" than your ordinary presentation, maybe with a little hands on interaction.
There are still more details to come as far as speakers go, but we know that you will be pleasantly surprised.
Science Fair
The 3 participants of this years 1st Annual MASC Science Fair will be displaying their projects. As stated before, ALL three of the participants will be featured in a future edition of Reef Hobbyist Magazine! All of you, the attendee's, will have a chance to check out the projects, judge them, and then cast a vote to see who will win the "popular" vote.
The grand prize winner receives a FREE trip to MACNA 2011! Hotel provided by our own JontheFB owner of Fathom Aquatics, and the flight will be provided by Aqua Medic of North America. The winner will also receive free entry to MACNA 2011 and will get to display their winning project at the Reef Hobbyist Magazine MACNA booth!
We also will have a few demonstrations going on that day. Our first workshop will be a fragging demo. This will be an interactive demonstration for any attendee who would like to participate. Participants will learn how to cut and mount an easy, medium, extreme coral. At the end, you might even be able to take the piece home that you were working on . But remember, because supplies may be limited you must sign up beforehand! This interactive demo will be $10 for all club members and $20 for any non club member. Each club (DARC, MASC, SCMAS) determines who is a club member and who isn't a club member so if you have any questions please contact your board.
Also, if you are interested in conducting a workshop, PLEASE contact the DARC board and we will work out the details with you.
Frag Swap & Garage Sale
As always there will be a frag swap. Here is the list of the vendors that we have so far. If you would like to be a part of the frag swap please let us know and we can add you to the list! Remember, "older/used" equipment can also be sold, so if you've got anything lying around in the garage bring it on over and help someone else out.
Aquatic Art
Steel City Corals
Mile High Aquatics
Build Your Tank
Gonzo's Coral Frags
Premier Aquatics
Boston Aqua Farms
Aqua Medic of North America
Reef Kingdom
The raffle will contain an array of different corals and products from vendors that will be there and from different sponsors around the country! More details as they become available. Remember, ALL PROCEEDS will be donated to Highlands Ranch High school for their awesome dedication to this hobby, and to help maintain the tanks and the reef club that they have at their school.
This is a kid friendly event and we want to encourage involvement from our young reefing community.
If you have any questions you can post them here or contact any one of the clubs' board members. There will be more details to come as the date draws near.
HRHS Coordinator: Mike Ryan
D.A.R.C - d.a.r.c@comcast.net
SCMAS - theboard@thescmas.com
MASC - board@marinecolorado.org
Attendance is FREE
Parking is FREE
Speaker sessions are FREE
Workshops may require a small fee to cover materials costs.
Mark your calendars!
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