Rodi issue maybe?

Miami Danny

New member
Guys, I Need some help, for some reason I continue to get a diatom bloom on a daily basis. I did a 40 percent water change yesterday, siphoned all the ls and this morning back again. My pho is almost 0 and also my nitrates. A few weeks ago I changed the filters for the rodi and replenish the top chambers which look like silicate beads, I'm wondering if these are leaching into the tank and causing these bloom is, any help would be great. :mad: btw the tds in reads 130 and the out 30. I also wonder if I have connected something wrong back when I reassembled after refilling the top chambers with the silica looking material.
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I have also read that a Uv might help With this issue, but also read threads that they will do nothing for a diatom issue?
Guys, I Need some help, for some reason I continue to get a diatom bloom on a daily basis. I did a 40 percent water change yesterday, siphoned all the ls and this morning back again. My pho is almost 0 and also my nitrates. A few weeks ago I changed the filters for the rodi and replenish the top chambers which look like silicate beads, I'm wondering if these are leaching into the tank and causing these bloom is, any help would be great. :mad: btw the tds in reads 130 and the out 30. I also wonder if I have connected something wrong back when I reassembled after refilling the top chambers with the silica looking material.

30 out holly cow thats a problem.....are you saying its 30 out right after the RO or after the DI either way your RO membrane is not functioning correctly and your DI is also spent and needs to be replaced if its 30 out of the total system ......

double check that the RO membrane is seeded correctly and that water is not channeling around it and is actually going threw it.....take the membrane out it should have some writing on it look and see what the rejection rate is it should be some where around 97\98\99 percent now measure what the tds is coming directly out of the RO membrane and then do the math with the incoming TDS to see what percentage rate it is rejecting this will tell you if its bad or incorrectly replaced.....either way with 30 if that is what it is something is incorrect .....

and by the way your unit should be nothing more than 0 coming out of the DI anything more and media is starting to deplete and needs to be addressed....
What Matt said. I had a RODI issue recently, and it turns out my membrane was messed up, as well as my TDS meter. TDS should be 0 out of the DI, and ideally less than 10 out of the membrane (Mine is around 2-3 with a new membrane). When I was having issues with my RO, I had a cyano outbreak that I haven't had to deal with in over a year, as well as algae issues. All that is gone now, after a couple of months of good water.
What Matt said. I had a RODI issue recently, and it turns out my membrane was messed up, as well as my TDS meter. TDS should be 0 out of the DI, and ideally less than 10 out of the membrane (Mine is around 2-3 with a new membrane). When I was having issues with my RO, I had a cyano outbreak that I haven't had to deal with in over a year, as well as algae issues. All that is gone now, after a couple of months of good water.

Yesterday for the first time Ina year running I,saw cyano and freaked, does anyone know where I can get a membrane for dr g,s? Any LFS?
AllFish and AllPets have RO supplies, but VERY expensive. Just don't freak out, it may take a month or 2 to rid yourself of the red stuff. Just be patient. Been there done that, LOL!
Just my experience and opinion here. You can do extra water changes, but don't go overboard on anything. Some people panic, and end up doing more harm than good messing with their tank. Just come to terms with the fact that it may take a few months to work itself out. Last time I had cyano (relatively recently) I didn't sweat it like the first time. Took 2 months to go away. Granted, it was a light case, but I was not worried. Shoot, 2 months is nothing in a reef, you MIGHT be able to notice any growth of corals in that time, LOL! GL with everything. I'm sure some others will share their experience....
Thanks rovster, order the replacement filter membranes, way cheaper than LFS! So 2 more days, meanwhile I will replenish with rodi from LFS. I will replenish the rowa also some keeping the phos to minimum which should help also.
Ok replaced the membrane today and also received my hanna phosphate test kit. Ok here is what I don't get, I have 0.00 phosphates, tested 3 times, and ran a baseline against my faucet water which was 0.19. So something else has to be doing this to my tank. Any ideas would really help here. Thanks to all for all the support. Mrx much appreciated for all the advice.
Ok, trying still to get some help on this, 0.00 on phos with hanna tester, 0 nitrates, any other way to prevent diatoms or the red stuff on the sand? Temp at 79 after installing new chiller, since it was creaping to 83 at times. Rovster, should there be diatoms anyways?
First off, settle down. ;)

How old is the tank? I know this is frustating, but we've all bren there. right around now you are probably researching red slime remover, LOL! This all might be normal. Stop chasing numbers and go by the appearance of the tank. It's only been a week or so. Check back in September after doing regular water changes with high quality H2O. Good luck, and stay the course:)
First off, settle down. ;)

How old is the tank? I know this is frustating, but we've all bren there. right around now you are probably researching red slime remover, LOL! This all might be normal. Stop chasing numbers and go by the appearance of the tank. It's only been a week or so. Check back in September after doing regular water changes with high quality H2O. Good luck, and stay the course:)

The tank is about a year old right now, rovster I just want to make sure this doesn't occur on the 265g if I can prevented.
First off, settle down. ;)

How old is the tank? I know this is frustating, but we've all bren there. right around now you are probably researching red slime remover, LOL! This all might be normal. Stop chasing numbers and go by the appearance of the tank. It's only been a week or so. Check back in September after doing regular water changes with high quality H2O. Good luck, and stay the course:)

After changing the membrane, and a few days, and my TDS went from 0 to 5, I had repacked the DI when I changed the membrane, but why would the TDS go up so fast? Do you guys think maybe I need a booster pump. I have the water coming from the laundry room to the garage which is about a 40 foot run, maybe that has something to do with it?
Did you let about 5 gals of water run off before testing the TDS? Also make sure you put the DI cartridge in the right way. I think they flow a certain way. Where are you buying your cartridges from?
Did you let about 5 gals of water run off before testing the TDS? Also make sure you put the DI cartridge in the right way. I think they flow a certain way. Where are you buying your cartridges from?

+1. When new, you want to let it run a bit before using the water. Also, I've noticed when first turning the unit on, it may take a few minutes for you to get the TDS to 0.
+1. When new, you want to let it run a bit before using the water. Also, I've noticed when first turning the unit on, it may take a few minutes for you to get the TDS to 0.

It had ran for a few days Already, just went to VIP which is in my area and got carbon and ammonia cartridges for the Rodi, will be changing out right now, hoping this finally settles things down in the tank. Need to find a booster pump also, maybe that will increase my reject rates.
Did you let about 5 gals of water run off before testing the TDS? Also make sure you put the DI cartridge in the right way. I think they flow a certain way. Where are you buying your cartridges from?

Cartridges I got local, got the membrane online CSM brand.