rodi question


In Memoriam
so i've got my rodi in my garage with the salt mixing bin. I want to hook it up to a float valve in a bin next to my tank, but the problem is it would have to go up into the attick accross like 20 ft. and then back down. Is it possible to do this? Will I need anything special other than plumbing? With my busy schedule i sometimes forget to add water to the topoff reservior and then my sump goes a little low and i'd rather just have it at a constant level. plus i'm starting to keep acros so I don't really want any swings in the salinity.
Yes, you can run the tubing up and through the attic. Mine goes up and over a 12' ceiling, then down the wall by the tank. Probably 40-50' total length. When I was setting this up with my Typhoon III, they suggested I upsize to 3/8" tubing for the long run, instead of the normal 1/4". Less back pressure from the longer run...
Ditto here, run 3/8 up into the ceiling all the way to the tank. Do it in the morning when it's not so hot up there (duh) and you have [some] light to work with. It's easier with 2 people so you can pass the tubing through. What I did was drill a hole in the corning of the ceiling near my tank and stick a coat hanger with a little stickie flag on it. Then when I got up there, I just looked for the flag to find my destination. You really don't want to be up there any longer than necessary.

I'm soooo glad I did it, it saves me a lot of time and trouble, and as you said, makes the salinity more stable.

BTW, the pink milli is doing fine. Here's a pic from around Christmas. Note the new branches at the base. These have grown out more since and the tips of the "hairy peace sign" have gotten longer.
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