Rose bubble tip anemone FS


New member
Large anemone about the size of a dinner plate when fully open and has long tentacles. Looking to get $100

<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt=" photo 7329CEF9-B75E-4B2E-8177-8A46214B94F8_zpsvabgtyha.jpg"/></a>

Not too happy in this pic as to it was just moved off the rock.

<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt=" photo F6CAE0C4-27CF-423C-9E37-25DD518CA3A3_zpsqk4nii4v.png"/></a>
Man if it was smaller if take it. I'm looking for a smaller one for my 30. Til I get the 120
Beautiful, I had a green with pinkish/orange tips that was this big, he just split the other day however. The clowns are not happy.
The one I have in my tank is a rainbow bubble tip (I think) and it has white streaks throughout it with green dots all over the foot.
<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt=" photo BEE3ABA3-C3A8-49DE-ADE0-DC01DEB83242_zpsqcn4ndzr.jpg"/></a>

So this thing hasn't wanted to split for 8 months and of course right before I'm supposed to sell it she splits lol


+1 Reefpilot11
Good guy and I got a great nem. It is healthy and happy right where I put it!
Maybe I'll post a pic whenever my percs figure out how to opperate the nem.