RPE stop opening all the way?


New member
My tank is still new and all water perimeters are fine nitrates 0 nitrite 0 no amonia ph and alk little high 14dkh and cal 450 lowered my salinity to 23 from 25 with fresh water to try and reduce my alk but for some reason my rpe seem to be melting could i have to much light or parasite i had a few nudi but after plenty of dipping havent had a problem besides i thought they left palys alone my ppe are below and are great any ideas?Thanks


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check for pods at night time. They seem attracted to zoanthus gigantus...I do not believe this a strange tale and I have seen it in person. Maybe a revive dip as they do not look too stressed at present. Maybe change their flow pattern..good luck
Thanks for the reply they seem to be falling off i actually found a polyp that unatached itself and is now in the sand bed on the side of the tank open weird and i also dipped in revive.
try a different location. A colony that size should not be having problems?? Dip again...after the polyps are closed!! and move to a different location and see what happens. I would also ditch the YSP as they can become a real problem down the road...good luck and make sure the polyps are closed with revive..
thanks i will try to re dip and move location with your experience where would they be best kept in the tank i have leds