RSM Max Nano XL Plan / Build


New member
Decided to try out a build thread for the first time. I was in the hobby for quite some time and am emerging from a 15 year break. I’ve done several big tank builds with all the gear and decided to take a simpler approach with this one (I’m sure it will expand from here but wanted to start somewhere).

Tank RSM Max Nano G2 XL 33g

Add ons:
Reef wave 25
ReefDose 4 (plan on using the RSM 4 part complete reef care system)
Adaptive Reef Control mounting board for in stand organization
Helicopter 200w heater
Red Sea ReefATO+ with 40l ReefCan
ReefMat Nano
Life rock (Arches & Nano Reef Kit) for aquascape
CaribSea Special grade sand 20#’s
Neptune PMUP-T pump for water changes (fits in the 5 gallon jugs nicely)
Maxspect Nano Tech Bio-Spheres (to replace the sponge and add filtration)
Hannah Test kits (Alkalinity/Phosphate/Nitrate high range/Ammonia)
Red Sea Calcium Pro test kit & Marine Care test kit
Standard refractometer
RSM net cover

Still up in the air:
Thinking of upgrading the light from the reefLED 50 to the ReefLED 90??
Still deciding on how to cycle
Likely not going to do an RODI & instead buy premixed water from LFS that sells RSM Coral Pro saltwater

I’ll post updates and pictures as things get done but would love to hear feedback on the set up etc…
So I don’t have much experience with the RedSea lights. That said, I have seen plenty of tanks that run them with all types of corals successfully. To your specific tank, if you can swing it, I’d go with the 90 for two reasons. Coverage and potential for future tank upgrade.

Getting mainly to coverage, per the RedSea owners manual, the RL50 is designed to cover a 20”x20” footprint while the RL90 is designed to cover a 24”x24” footprint. The Max G2 XL is 20”x24”. Using the RL50, you may hit some shadowing/lack of coverage on the outside edges/sandbed of the tank (if you are planning on sand dwelling coral). The RL90 would cover all of it just fine. If you ever decided in the future to upgrade the tank (or even just get a new light), the RL90 would still be able to cover a portion of that larger tank (or just get a higher resale value to offset the cost of the new light).

Just my $.02. Hope that made sense!
I run 2 x redsea 50w lights on the 40g right now and I've been super happy with them. But the XL 425 has 3 x 90W. Like @Reefing102 mentioned if you can swing the 90s, you can always turn down the intensity easily with the app if they overpower it.
Rock showed up so i started to play. Not one of my strengths and trying to keep it from turning into a pile of rocks. Just dry fitted at this point. Thoughts?

Can’t get the pictures to upload saying they are too big. Front & back views.


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Dang, would like to see the pics. You can try to resize them or upload them to a hosting site and link here.
Love your rock work there. I'm horrible at it. I am trying to set mine up to be shaped like the island of Molokini and I'm giving a lot of thought to the rule of 1/3's with reefscape design. so far I think it is helping a lot. The only thing that has changed over the years for me as I attempt this reefscape from scratch again is now I can sorta visualize how the corals will grow and add color/texture/height over time.
Might be making a change to the lighting. With that does anyone know who makes adapters like this for the xr15 to accommodate AI blades?


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I found this…I can’t vouch for the site (but it appears they’ve been around for years and even have a ReefBuilders article from 2019), but I found this:

Also started working on the control board. Still have the pump & lights to add but got the ATO, reefwave, reefdose, and heater mounted with a power strip. Dose line clips are in place to show how i plan on routing.


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Also started working on the control board. Still have the pump & lights to add but got the ATO, reefwave, reefdose, and heater mounted with a power strip. Dose line clips are in place to show how i plan on routing.

super clean looking, raising the bar here
Quick update. Should be getting a delivery date today on the actual tank and decided to order a custom lid from toplids. A little pricey but i feel like the fit and finish justify the cost. Now what to do with the Red Sea lid kit i purchased?
Quick update. Should be getting a delivery date today on the actual tank and decided to order a custom lid from toplids. A little pricey but i feel like the fit and finish justify the cost. Now what to do with the Red Sea lid kit i purchased?
Return it? Lol
yeah if you can't return it for some reason, I'm sure someone in the red sea group on facebook would be interested. there's like 93,000 members