RSR 250 G2 Refugium


Premium Member
Hello all!

I'm trying to gauge what everyone thinks of "Hang on" options for the sump in the Reefer 250 as the sump itself is really not set up appropiratly. I'm not looking to do any crazy modifications so i've come up with 2 options. One is "in" the sump and one hangs on the outside w/ a small pump. What say you?

I'm leaning towards the drop in version for ease of use and "tidiness" but it is more expensive.

Thank you in advance!
I don’t know anything about those particular ones either, but if you have the room, I’d probably go with a drop in just to eliminate the chance of any possible leak, but you do have the algae issue growing where you don’t want
Hello all!

I'm trying to gauge what everyone thinks of "Hang on" options for the sump in the Reefer 250 as the sump itself is really not set up appropiratly. I'm not looking to do any crazy modifications so i've come up with 2 options. One is "in" the sump and one hangs on the outside w/ a small pump. What say you?

I'm leaning towards the drop in version for ease of use and "tidiness" but it is more expensive.

Thank you in advance!
I dont use any that you have listed as I needed a external HOB option. More room in DT.
I use a large CPR with red light, and MJ1200 for water in. External HOB. Works perfect (for my cheato growing needs)....pretty much zero maintanence.