I initally did maybe a 30-40% WC now i've been doing small, like 8 gals on a 120 volume system every five days. I fragged off a lot to save what i could, been skimming and running lots of carbon.
what next?
I have no idea what caused it. maybe my tank got to warm before i installed my chiller, my salinity may have been a little low as well. i recently installed a new HQI lamp, but did raise teh pendant to allow for par differences
all params have been in check for some time. how long befopre i can start rebuiling? oh and does anyone have some frags as i lost at least half of my SPS
what next?
I have no idea what caused it. maybe my tank got to warm before i installed my chiller, my salinity may have been a little low as well. i recently installed a new HQI lamp, but did raise teh pendant to allow for par differences
all params have been in check for some time. how long befopre i can start rebuiling? oh and does anyone have some frags as i lost at least half of my SPS